119% — Space

Kev Self
2 min readOct 25, 2021

A theme that eternally comes back, building from yesterday’s empathy conversation and already appearing in the conversations of today and even my intention for the day — being ‘spacious’ ….and seeing what shows up…

What would it be to have that freedom of a nomadic travelling life in the everyday? A life without the “should’s”.

And where the bloomin hell do all them ‘should’s’ come from anyway?! 👀

I find often there’s that tension in work — “I should be looking busy” because I shouldn’t be stopping and reflecting. Even when no-one else is watching.

“I should have been better prepared for that meeting.”

“I should have got more done today.”

“I should have utter clarity with where I am going.”

“I should be following the plan!”

“I should have been able to go for a run before work and be wide awake this afternoon!”

“I shouldn’t have been impacted in my working day by a beautiful share from a Dad who has his daughter back in their life. I should feel great and take hope from that.”

“I should just be getting the hell on with it.”

And it’s all too easy to buy into that story.

If I stay asleep and go along with how the world ‘should’ be.

Just suck up the guilt.

Fight against being exactly who I am in this moment, exactly how I feel.

Our programming has us react exactly as we do, and, exactly as we don’t, in any given moment. That’s simply how each of us is made, until we’re not.

A friend shared today that in her work she’s realised “I don’t want to strive”.

I like that, because I know all the should’s make work hard work. That’s where the truth starts to land. To not be doing things to fight what is, to meet all the should’s. To play the games of the modern workplace like ‘taking on extra projects to get seen and hope it helps a promotion case’ rather than being acknowledged and rewarded for the awesome work I already do. Yes. I did that in a past life. I played the game.

When will we stop striving beyond the should’s and find the space for the could’s?

And take action from there.

Giving ourselves the space to see past our programming and choose more of what is true, authentic to us. That’s where the beauty in life and business starts to flourish 🌱

Big Love, K ❤️



Kev Self

I help people remember the light they truly are, so that together we light up the world ❤️ & I rather like running | selfkev@gmail.com